About us
Esfil Tehno AS has more than 50 years of experience in the production and development of highly efficient non-woven polymer filtering materials made of micro and nano fibres. These materials are the source of the range of our products – respirators, analytical tapes, filters and separation materials. A result of the active research for ways to minimize the organic chlorine composition in our products is the appearance of filtering materials (FPM, FNMS) with no chlorine content. These filtering materials are highly competitive with former analogous materials and, in most cases, exceed them in all measurable characteristics. The materials and technology of the products are patented in national and European patent boards.
The products of the "Esfil Tehno" line provide unique possibilities for resolving environmental, high-tech tasks and reliable individual protection.
Application areas of our products:
- Personal and collective protection of respiratory organs using respirators and filters with anti-aerosol, gas and dust protection abilities.
- Environment and health protection from toxic, poisonous and radioactive aerosols;
- Absolute purification of the air for production areas, high-tech technologies and production of pure substances;
- Dust-removal, bacteria-removal, and removal of micro flora from the air in public health and the food industry;
- Technology liquids purification;
- Environmental monitoring;
- Aerosol analysis;
- Chemical electric current supply elements production.
Long-term experience in the field of development and manufacturing of filtering materials, active collaboration with leading world scientific institutions in this area, a flexible price policy and progressive sales system are making "Esfil Tehno" your reliable partner.
We are always glad to meet new clients and partners!